Informacje o aktualizacji Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Skocz do działu Poczytaj lub dodaj wpis Czyli kto to tworzy Kontakt z nami


Budujemy carty ...
Sampler do c-6 ...
Byłem tam ... ...
Seks w szkole, ...



The last ninja
The l.n. The wilderness
The last ninja 2
The l.n.2 The basement
The l.n.2 The final battle
The l.n.2 The mansion
The l.n.2 The office
The l.n.2 The sewers
The l.n.2 The street
The great giana sisters
The green beret
Turrican intro
Bubble Bobble Remix
Game over
Mayhem intro
Doom 2 Hell on Earth
Xenon 2
Mario in the Loonybin
Tetris (gameboy) remix

Spy vs spy
Ghoust busters
Tetris (c-gameboy)
Duke Nukem 3D



   Poniżej widzimy schemat UCart'a made by SUCHY.

UCart - C64 Universal Cartridge.

Opis działania UCart'a.
   1. Połączenie A0 do A12 z A0 do A12, to najmłodsze bity adresowe odpowiedzialne za obszar 8kB - wyjście to te z C64, a wejście to te z EPROM-u - przybierają adres podany na magistrali C64.
   2. /CE i /OE jak widać aktywne w stanie niskim połączone z /ROML również aktywnym w stanie niskim - EPROM aktywuje się (jest widoczny), gdy /ROML jest w stanie niskim.

   Tu małe wyjaśnienie - /ROML tworzy parę z /EXROM są to dwie 'współpracujące' ze sobą linie tzn. patrząc od strony C64 /EXROM jest INPUT, a /ROML jest OUTPUT. Wygląda to tak, że jeżeli /EXROM będzie wprowadzony w stan niski z poziomu elektroniki cartridge'a, to podczas ODCZYTU przez procesor obszaru $8000-$9FFF /ROML będzie przyjmował stan niski co w tym wypadku 'włącza' nam EPROM w carcie i widzimy go w tym obszarze. Jak widać wszystko ciągle 'klika i mruga', bo jak wykonywana jest dajmy na to instrukcja LDA $1000, to /ROML jest w stanie wysokim, a eprom jest wówczas w stanie wysokiej impedancji (HiZ) i jest wyłączony. Tak samo jak /EXROM będzie w wysokim stanie (logiczne 1), to /ROML nigdy nie będzie nas informował o odczycie obszaru $8000-$9FFF i EPROM pozostanie niewidoczny, a odczyt będzie z RAM. Bardzo ważne jest żeby zrozumieć te zasady, aby wiedzieć jak budować carty i jak one działają. Dodatkowo /EXROM odseparowany jest diodą od licznika BCD 74LS90, ściślej od jego wyjścia najstarszego bitu licznika zliczającego od 0 do 9 po podaniu impulsów na CLKA - o tym za moment.

Reset - co się dzieje, jak komputer 'WSTAJE'.
   Na 1 są ustawione LORAM HIRAM CHAREN odpowiedzialne za 'widzenie' przez procesor BASIC'a, KERNAL'a oraz I/O i CHARGEN'a , - procesor ładuje do PC (program counter) adres widziany w wektorze pośrednim $FFFC, a jest to KERNAL co pod tym adresem ma wskazanie na $FCE2. $FCE2 szuka... moment, moment - najpierw trzeba wiedzieć, co już zrobiła elektronika...

   Sygnał /RESET był w stanie niskim po włączeniu zasilania przez ułamek sekundy (stała czasowa RP3-3k3 i C43-220uF) i co się z nim dalej stało, gdy tylko pojawił się na nim stan niski, a napięcie na procku osiągnęło poziom 4,75V - to już milionowe części sekundy:
zresetować licznik 74LS90 - na R0(1) i R0(2) poszła jedynka, co w dalszej konsekwencji ustawiło wyjścia Qa, Qb, Qc, Qd na 0, z czego wynika, że trzy najstarsze bity adresowe eprom'u przyjęły wartość 0 (zostało wybrane pierwsze 8kB, czyli bank '0' w epromie) i co istotne wprowadziło w stan niski /EXROM, czyli daliśmy informację do C64, aby informował carta o odczycie obszaru $8000-$9FFF poprzez wprowadzenie w stan niski /ROML. Przy okazji zauważmy, że 3 bity adresowe, to 8 możliwych kombinacji, więc w naszym wypadku jest możliwe (i tak jest), że można mieć 8 banków po 8kB. Dla jasności /RESET automatycznie (po naładowaniu kondensatora C43 w komciu) przeszedł w stan wysoki i kolejne jego wduszenie spowoduje ponowne zerowanie licznika (jakby co).

   Tak więc w ciągu krótkiej chwili (najdłużej trwa sygnał RESET, po włączeniu zasilania) cart przygotował się (zgrał z kompem) do działania - niesłychanie istotna jest znajomość 'pierwszych kroków, stanów, działań', aby cart się zawsze 'podniósł'.

   Teraz wracamy do działania softu - $FCE2 zaczyna szukać pod $8005 do $8009 ciągu CBM80 i jak on tam jest oddaje sterowanie wskazane w wektorze $8000. Co istotne - czy ciąg ten tam jest, czy nie odczytywany jest EPROM - nasz cart się zgłasza przy adresowaniu odczytu $8000-$9FFF.

Bankowanie - przełączanie 8kB banków.
   Żeby 'klikać' CLKA i zmieniać bity Qa do Qd nie wystarczy tylko opadające zbocze na CLKA - trzeba zdać sobie z tego sprawę, że po opadającym zboczu musi pojawić się logiczna jedynka, aby można było znów 'popchnąć' licznik opadającym zboczem - to akurat w tym carcie jest istotne, dlatego to wtrąciłem.

   Sygnał I/O1 przyjmuje podobnie jak /ROML niski stan wtedy, gdy adresowany jest obszar $DE00 do $DEFF (nie tylko odczyt - ZAADRESOWANIE wystarczy R albo W). Z tabeli prawdy dla dwóch NORÓW wychodzi, że bankowanie odbywa się natychmiast, a później jakby przygotowanie do kolejnego - więc tak:

   Fi2 'lata jak wściekłe' w każdym cyklu na 0 i 1 - jak więc procek odwoła się do I/O1 pojawi się w pewnym momencie niski stan na I/O1 i Fi2, który zostanie zanegowany i poleci na drugą bramkę. Druga bramka znów sumuje tym razem naszą poprzednią sumę I/O1 i Fi2 - w tym wypadku stan wysoki i na razie niski stan na Qd, co w efekcie na CLKA po OR i NEGACJI (druga bramka) poda stan niski (opadające zbocze) i 'popchnie' licznik. Następny 'moment', gdzie którykolwiek z sygnałów Fi2 lub I/O1 będzie w stanie wysokim spowoduje (jakby przygotowanie do klikania) logiczną jedynkę na CLKA. 'Popchnięty' licznik przełączy nam kolejne 8kB EPROM'u POD WARUNKIEM, że Qd będzie w stanie niskim, bo to umożliwia naprzemienne podawanie stanu wysokiego i niskiego na CLKA. Z chwilą, gdy licznik doliczy do 8-miu podnosi się Qd (logiczne 1), podłączony do niego /EXROM przechodzi w stan wysoki, /ROML przestaje działać i cart przestaje być widoczny. Nie można już podawać impulsów na CLKA, bo jest tam cały czas logiczne 0 i nie da się go już na chwilę 'podnieść' do następnego 'klikania' - chyba, że wyłączymy i włączymy komputer, lub wciśniemy reset.

   Tak więc SUCHY odwalił ciekawą robotę przed 1990, gdzie niewielu w Polsce ludzi wiedziało jak to robić - zrobił sobie ROM-dysk, który przepisywał dowolną grę po resecie do RAM'u, uruchamiał ją automatycznie i odłączał carta, aby nie przeszkadzał. Dla mnie jest to kapitalny i prosty przykład zastosowania carta jako magazynu z programami - można dorobić swoje menu i uruchamiać faworyzowane programy. Na tym karcie nauczyłem się i zrozumiałem podstawowe zasady jak robić własne kartridże do C64.

Dodatkowe wyjaśnienia.
   'Samonapędzanie' CLKB z Qa (najmłodszego bitu) wynika z budowy 74LS90, aby popychać kolejne sekcje. Dioda separuje /EXROM od Qd, aby Qd będące Wyjściem nie było traktowane jako Wejście przez wysoki stan na /EXROM. (rezystor podciągający pull-up).


UCart-light - C64 Universal Cartridge.

   Nowa wersja 'odchudzonego' UCarta pod nazwą UCart-light, przedstawiona przez Suchego (po burzy mózgów ;-) ) jest znacznie uproszczona. Usunięty został całkowicie układ scalony US1 (74LS02), a w jego miejsce doszedł tylko jeden tranzystor (i dwa oporniki), pracujący jako inwerter sygnału RESET (ponieważ dla licznika 74LS90 sygnałem aktywnym dla RESET jest H). UCart-light nie posiada hardware'owej blokady wejścia EXROM, jaką miał pierwowzór, dlatego należy być 'pewnym' oprogramowania 'zrzucanego' z carta do komcia, tak aby w czasie jego uruchamiania i późniejszej pracy, korzystało ono 'rozsądnie' (lub nie korzystało) z adresów $DE00-$DEFF (odpowiedzialnych za 'widoczność' carta i jego bankowanie) - bo inaczej będziemy mieć śliczną 'zawieszkę'.

   Podziękowania należą się ludziom, których zamęczałem hardware'owymi pytaniami, którzy z anielską cierpliwością wyjaśniali mi całkowicie proste i banalne dla nich rzeczy:

KB777 - dzięki Konrad!
JAD - dzięki Tobie pojąłem sens kooperacji /EXROM i /ROML!
SUCHY - THX! - szczególnie za sprawdzanie moich wypocin i niespełnionych teorii ;-)

UCart - C64 Universal Cartridge.

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Mr Wegi (Black Sun/Fatum/Samar Productions)
Commodore & Amiga Fan


#1Dzień 31-1-2010godz.19:39:57Autor: Suchy
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Http:// wtopic.php?t=46
   ... znajdziecie dodatkowe informacje o UCarcie, a także linki gdzie został opisany soft niezbędny do ożywienia UCarta.

#2Dzień 8-9-2010godz.13:19:52Autor: Przemek_bundy
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Http:// wtopic.php?t=46
   Ten link jest nieaktywny!
   Ponadto na schemacie bramka NAND IC1A na jej wyjściu nigdy nie
   Będzie stanu L ?!

#3Dzień 5-12-2010godz.11:24:32Autor: Suchy
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Faktycznie, podany przeze mnie link jest obecnie nieaktualny. Jak tylko uporządkuję materiały nt. UCart'a (czytaj: znajdę trochę więcej wolnego czasu, żeby to zrobić), to podam namiary na aktywny link. Póki co tutaj:
   ... można dodatkowo poczytać co nieco na temat UCart'a.
   Układ IC1 (74LS02) to nie są bramki NAND tylko NOR. Bramka NOR w takiej konfiguracji jak IC1A pełni funkcję inwertera, w tym przypadku neguje sygnał RESET z C64 (aktywny: L) dla układu 74LS90 (aktywny: H).

#4Dzień 5-12-2010godz.13:24:03Autor: Suchy
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   W podanym wyżej linku (na forum C64 POWER) opisany jest sysop do UCarta (oryginalny z 1989, oraz nowy, napisany przez wegi'ego).
   Poniżej podaję linki, skąd można ściągnąć gotowe biny do zaprogramowania EPROMów 27C512 dla UCarta z przykładowymi grami:
   Gry ze starym sysop'em (Bomb Jack, International Karate, Operation Wolf)
   Gierka z nowym sysop'em (Oli & Lisa)
   ... są to gry, dlatego, że UCart stworozny został na potrzeby salonu gier, gdzie pracowały wyłącznie ArcadeMaszyny - samoróbki oparte na komciu C64 (oczywiście w UCarta można zaprogramować co wam się podoba - np. jakiegoś użytka). Niżej linki do zdjęć pozostałości po tych maszynach (kilka pak, kurzących się na strychu od 20 lat):
   ... o samoróbkach maszyn ArcadeC64 pisałem trochę tutaj:
   Http:// m/index.php?id=2052&fid=1
   Http:// cade&page=#16601

#5Dzień 7-12-2010godz.09:22:12Autor: Frazes
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Komentarz testowy.

#6Dzień 3-4-2016godz.19:08:34Autor: Wegi
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Do Przemek_bundy - stan L pojawi się tam w dwóch przypadkach:
   Po wciśnięciu reset oraz po wyłączeniu C64 i jego ponownym włączeniu.

#7Dzień 7-3-2023godz.12:08:42Autor: JanGee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   . Nice information offered by you. Do you need advice on how to sign up for online courses? You can learn more about it by visiting College of Contract Management --> /

#8Dzień 23-3-2023godz.09:20:24Autor: Deegab08
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   A excellent method to show potential employers that you are serious about your job search and have put time into improving your application is to make sure you invest in yourself. You can make investments in yourself in a variety of ways. As was already indicated, you can advance your knowledge by enrolling in an online course. You can spend money on a new interview clothing, a dress or shirt that fits nicely and shows your professionalism. Also, you might spend money to have your resume professionally examined. This is a terrific approach to present your experience and abilities on paper in a way that will increase your chances of success. Visit this page if you need further assistance for job searchers or construction enquirers! >>>> /construction-enquirer/

#9Dzień 31-3-2023godz.09:29:31Autor: Driana
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   HNDs are more flexible, less expensive, and shorter than degrees. You don't have to totally commit to pursue your career in that field when you enroll in an HND. They might merely pique your curiosity.
   Visit this page to know more about hnd uk! >>>> /hnd-meaning/

#10Dzień 12-4-2023godz.11:17:13Autor: Alma
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Ever wonder what a construction worker salary is? The College of Contract Management offers a guide to all your salary expectations from different job roles in the Construction Industry. Take in consideration these salary ranges when you choose the career path you want to take. You can start your career as a Quantity Surveyor and earn an average hourly rate of £47,500. Take up the Quantity Surveying online course and earn an Advanced Diploma when you finish the program. This will give you the qualification you will need to find a great job opportunity. Expand your opportunities by choosing a career in the Construction Industry now! To learn more >>>>> /construction-worker-salary/

#11Dzień 21-4-2023godz.14:46:59Autor: LChee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   There are several learning opportunities that you may encounter as you start or continue your career. With this, the College of Contract Management aims to provide their assistance through the courses and training programs that they offer. One of this is focused on being a part of RICS or the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. There are no complicated process and never-ending requirements. To know what you should do, go to rics log in here
   Https:// /rics-cpd/

#12Dzień 16-5-2023godz.16:25:22Autor: LChee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   If you’re looking for an avenue that will provide what you need to obtain a cscs card, there’s CCM. The College of Contract Management is a learning center in the UK who offers high-quality online courses. They are known as a training ground for learners and professionals in the construction industry. You can choose from these programs on what you’ll take which will serve as your starting point.
   Https:// /cscs/

#13Dzień 7-6-2023godz.11:35:46Autor: LChee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The College of Contract Management is a learning provider that caters wide scope of occupation in several fields. In the construction industry, they have an Advanced Diploma Structural Engineering that many aren't aware of. It is one of the important roles in a site, and due to its roles and responsibilities, the position is high rewarding. CCM is starting to cater your inquiries and conducting the program this year, so this is your chance to grab the opportunity. Know all structural engineer near me courses through this link. /how-to-become-a-structural-engineer/

#14Dzień 28-6-2023godz.16:00:19Autor: LChee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Since there is already a standardized format for jct, the costs that companies spend is minimized compared if they create a contract from scratch. Also, JCT Contract prioritizes the most important information as they disregard the unnecessary ones which makes the price of the contract more reasonable. For more info, click here /courses-page/professional-diploma-in-jc t-contracts/

#15Dzień 29-6-2023godz.17:54:48Autor: LChee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   What is a jct contract? JCT (Joint Contract Tribunal) Contracts facilitate agreements between various parties. It focuses on lowering the cost of entering into such agreements. In circulation since 1931, these contracts have been a popular choice for multiple decades. A Diploma in JCT Contracts will teach you the fundamentals to manage your projects. You will learn how to set up a contract dependent on the parties’ relationships and responsibilities. Additionally, the course will inform you about the legal aspects involved with JCT. Check CCM's website for the course overview! /courses-page/professional-diploma-in-jc t-contracts/

#16Dzień 24-7-2023godz.13:19:35Autor: Amethyst rae
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Becoming an MRICS is a very rewarding and career-enhancing way to have your expertise and experience recognized. Members benefit from greater networking opportunities, more employment chances, and higher salaries. Finishing your APC and becoming an MRICS is time and work well spent. Have a look at this article to find out more information about rics pathways! /courses-page/mrics-opportunity-apc-coac hing-service/

#17Dzień 17-8-2023godz.15:21:29Autor: LunaChee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   If you are planning to work in the construction industry, taking courses that introduce what riddor reporting system is a solid foundation that employers value. It is important to maintain a healthy and safe working environment which allows professionals to be productive. The College of Contract Management offers a training course for this field. They have been in the academe for several years; thus, your growth and development is ensured. /riddor/

#18Dzień 11-9-2023godz.13:18:46Autor: Dee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Site supervisor is the job immediately below site manager. A supervisor oversees operations on the work, whereas a manager directs operations. They guarantee that projects are finished within the allotted time limit by holding regular meetings with other professionals involved in the project's creation. Your skills and level of knowledge will help you land a solid job in the construction business. You might be able to determine how much more money you could earn by improving your existing abilities by looking at construction salary trends. To know more about being a construction worker, go to this page!
   Https:// /construction-worker-salary/

#19Dzień 4-10-2023godz.14:34:47Autor: Driana
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   For construction workers, the CSCS card is crucial since many sites demand it in order to visit the site. Each card, regardless of rank, is worth £36 and the cost of the Health, Safety, and Environmental Test is £22.50. While certain skills may be learned, some leadership qualities are innate in some people. Each card is worth £36 regardless of its rank, and the Health, Safety, and Environmental Test is £22.50. Get to know more about cscs card test price , go to this page!
   Https:// /cscs/
   Https:// /cscs/

#20Dzień 1-11-2023godz.15:19:39Autor: Wayen
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Uncover the benefits of the nvq level 6 construction site management, a program that stands as an equivalent to a degree. This course, which can be completed in as little as 1 - 3 months, not only enhances your skills and knowledge but also boosts your career potential in construction. Graduates are eligible for a CSCS Black Manager’s Card and MCIOB status, two credentials highly regarded by employers. /courses-page/nvq-level-6-construction-s ite-management/

#21Dzień 24-11-2023godz.17:01:22Autor: Wayen
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   BSc degrees span various fields. For instance, at the College of Contract Management, you can find programs tailored to different industries, including quantity surveying, civil engineering, and even healthcare, such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing. They offer training programs to help professionals effectively implement BSC methodologies in their organizations, aiding in strategic decision-making. You can check out this article for more understanding - what does bsc hons mean? /bsc-hons/

#22Dzień 30-11-2023godz.10:49:37Autor: Jangee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   A student portal provides a centralized location for all applications, data, and content, creating an immersive learning environment. For your online courses, UNICCM offers all the information you need.< /a>

#23Dzień 7-12-2023godz.10:16:16Autor: Web design for dummies
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Incorporating videos into web design is an important strategic method of boosting users of the website. Understanding how web design videos help to the successful appearance of a website in the digital world will undoubtedly lead to business success. To stay up with the significant strategic changes, one can enroll in an online web design college to better equip oneself with industry-standard tactics for effectively bringing profit to the business. It may also be referred to as web design for dummies but it sure will provide you with a rewarding career. ourse/advanced-diploma-in-web-design-yea r-1

#24Dzień 18-12-2023godz.17:32:39Autor: Zelly
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Looking to make your mark in construction? The College of Contract Management offers CSCS training online that prepares you for the Health, Safety, and Environment test. With a range of card options, from Green to Black, their online courses offer a flexible and effective path to career growth. cscs card questions? /cscs/

#25Dzień 11-1-2024godz.11:16:00Autor: UNICCM
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Show support for your children's needs by supplying your knowledge bank with sufficient knowledge and understanding on how to deal with mental health problems. A quick guide to mental health early childhood.
   Https:// ourse/nqual-level-2-certificate-in-aware ness-of-mental-health-in-children-young- people

#26Dzień 26-1-2024godz.18:31:18Autor: Zelly
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   With a focus on practical project scenarios and open-book exams, the mrics course of College of Contract Management's assesses not just memory but actual knowledge and skills. The frics qualification course covers crucial aspects like construction technology, management, legal frameworks, and environmental considerations, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the field. /mrics-chartered/

#27Dzień 29-1-2024godz.17:05:28Autor: Hermiane
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   A solid grasp and implementation of data analytics gives you a significant advantage as a business owner or employer. Learn how to handle and use a variety of tools that can favorably impact company decisions. Businesses benefit greatly from the expertise of data specialists. If you intend to pursue a diploma, you may wish to evaluate the best way to learn data science on the UNICCM student portal. ourse/professional-diploma-in-data-scien ce

#28Dzień 23-2-2024godz.13:04:14Autor: Ailynne
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Uncertain if you should follow a career as a cad technician? A great CAD technician has a strong math background and doesn't hesitate to use a variety of computer programs to build 3D models. Are you still interested in the position? The CAD online course is offered by CCM. It is less expensive than attending a university, and you can continue with your existing obligations while picking up new abilities.
   Https:// /how-to-become-a-cad-technician/

#29Dzień 4-3-2024godz.17:06:46Autor: Aster
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Unlock the potential of the nvq 6 construction management, a credential that rivals a degree in its impact on your career in construction. With a short completion time of 1 - 3 months, this program is your fast track to success in the construction industry. Graduates earn a CSCS Black Manager’s Card, a valuable industry qualification in construction, and the choice to participate in the CITB Levy scheme.
   Https:// /courses-page/nvq-level-6-construction-s ite-management/

#30Dzień 8-4-2024godz.18:11:17Autor: Ailynne
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The opportunity for career growth brought upon by the commercial management course from the College of Contract Management. Keep any personal or work commitments while you obtain a qualification. Attend the live lectures on the weekends or watch the recordings of the lectures at your own convenience.
   Https:// /courses-page/commercial-management/

#31Dzień 15-4-2024godz.10:00:58Autor: Hermiane
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Online APC training may be the perfect platform for you to earn MRICS. MRICS is popular because this title is beneficial to your career; it provides better work opportunities, wide contacts to network with, and higher salaries. Enroll yourself in a rics course to better assess your competence and guide you toward your career goals. rics submission template ourse/rics-apc-coaching

#32Dzień 18-4-2024godz.17:00:08Autor: Rics log in
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Fulfill your RICS CPD hour requirements by submitting 20 hours annually. Split between formal and informal learning, these hours reflect your commitment to ongoing development. Stay compliant with industry standards and maintain membership with rics log in. /rics-cpd/

#33Dzień 15-5-2024godz.10:18:29Autor: Nvq level 6 equivalent
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Learners receive support from assessors throughout nvq level 6 equivalent assessment of UNICCM. Rigorous evaluation ensures adherence to industry standards and prepares professionals for their roles.
   Https:// ourse/nvq-level-6-construction-site-mana gement

#34Dzień 21-5-2024godz.18:28:21Autor: Joy
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The College of Contract Management's adr classes, including the Claims Preparation and Dispute Management Course, offer a comprehensive learning experience in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution. This certificate course, focusing on construction industry professionals, addresses crucial aspects such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Graduates not only gain valuable skills but also have the opportunity to apply directly as an associate member of the CIArb, providing a pathway to professional recognition in dispute resolution. /adr-courses/

#35Dzień 24-5-2024godz.13:02:08Autor: Julien
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Competence is a quality sought for nvq level 6 construction site management candidates through knowledge and understanding of the industry. Throughout the course at UNICCM, it will also help the instructors can effectively hone the learns construction skills, along with performance evidence. ourse/nvq-level-6-construction-site-mana gement

#36Dzień 5-6-2024godz.16:57:25Autor: Misha
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   There is a great emphasis on the importance of health and safety construction. Many regulations are put in place to ensure construction work can be completed as safely as possible. Health and safety takes such a primary focus in construction, not only to protect the workforce, but also to apply with the law. Enroll in health and safety courses online free in College of Contract Management. /courses-page/cdm-regulation/

#37Dzień 26-6-2024godz.18:10:53Autor: Ailynne
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Undergoing the university grading system uk to obtain your credentials can be very beneficial to your career. This is due to UK education granting students knowledge from industry professionals, ensuring the skills they obtain are of the highest level. For UK education online, opt for the College of Contract Management.
   Https:// /uk-education-system/

#38Dzień 28-6-2024godz.13:07:27Autor: Hermiane
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Learning has become lifelong, owing to online courses that allow people to pick up new skills and knowledge throughout their entire lives. Education has advanced to a new level, with institutions such as the College of Contract Management making it possible for anyone to learn at home or while working full-time. online course for adults< /a>

#39Dzień 10-7-2024godz.11:33:39Autor: Amethyst rae
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The main importance of a CSCS card is showing your competence to understand and enforce health and safety regulations. This is absolutely paramount when working within an active construction site. With heavy and technical machinery, heights and other risk factors, it’s important to work with care and attention. A good example is having a Gold CSCS Card is for those who is for experienced supervisors with NVQ or equivalent qualifications level 3 or 4. For additional information about gold card on this page!
   Https:// /cscs/
   Http:// cscs/

#40Dzień 11-7-2024godz.17:02:56Autor: Roseelee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Effective senior managers need strategic management skills in areas such as analysis, organization, communication, and decision-making. Online management courses are suitable for managers. At UNICCM, you can receive the best online education and achieve a CMI Level 7 diploma. ourse/cmi-level-7-diploma-in-strategic-m anagement-and-leadership

#41Dzień 11-7-2024godz.17:59:23Autor: Adnanshah
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Dedicate yourself to a management course online and boost your professional growth! This will unlock skills that will be advantageous to your current and future employees. Earn a CMI Level 7 diploma from UNICCM. ourse/cmi-level-7-diploma-in-strategic-m anagement-and-leadership

#42Dzień 25-7-2024godz.16:58:52Autor: Python main
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The main purpose of the professional diploma level course that is offered by the College of Contract Management is to improve your skills. You will be introduced to a wide range of topics on data science through live online lectures such as the different forms of data that exist, python main, what is involved in being a data analyst and how one can become one as well as statistical methods combined with computer algorithms in reasoning as well as learning about how information is handled in the digital environment based on the use of numbers and tables.
   Https:// /courses-page/professional-diploma-in-da ta-science/

#43Dzień 5-8-2024godz.18:09:38Autor: Driana
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   For the purpose of helping in advancing knowledge in the cyber security sector, the College of Contract Management created the Professional Diploma in Cyber Security. This program has been designed for those with prior experience in the field and will enhance your current abilities. The benefit of attending this course is that you'll be able to learn from knowledgeable and experienced instructors, and case studies and practical examples will be used often. Check out this post to enroll in these free security courses! /courses-page/cyber-security/

#44Dzień 15-8-2024godz.11:37:00Autor: What is an nec contract
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Professional Diploma in NEC contracts offers the learners with a thorough understanding of what is an nec contract and the surrounding topics along with practice application. Learners will be able to be exposed to an application of what they learn and gain expert-level skills upon completion. ourse/professional-diploma-in-nec-contra cts

#45Dzień 21-8-2024godz.11:11:10Autor: Principal designer
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   In addition to having the knowledge and abilities to manage and oversee the preconstruction phase, which includes any design work done after construction starts, the principal designer's job also entails supervising the work of other members of the project team in order to guarantee that major and predictable risks are controlled throughout the design process.
   Https:// /contract-manager/

#46Dzień 29-8-2024godz.14:53:17Autor: Ailynne
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Become an expert in the managing of an Adult Care Setting! Receive training from health and social care courses online and be prepared to show your professional expertise in providing Adult Care to those who need it. Maximize your understanding of professional practice and personal development, along with other aspects contributing to your skill in giving Adult Care.
   Https:// /courses-page/nqual-level-4-diploma-in-a dult-care/

#47Dzień 10-9-2024godz.16:17:21Autor: Learning people
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Complete a set of Level 7 Strategic Management and Leadership Practice courses for three valuable qualifications in business management! The three courses are awarded by the CMI, increasing the value of the qualifications you''ll gain. Visit this link for more business management courses >> learning people /

#48Dzień 24-9-2024godz.11:10:12Autor: Mollie
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Social media plays a key role in this transformation by showcasing innovative design elements and the cultural context of these structures, attracting both tourists and architecture enthusiasts. The design and promotion of important buildings like Big Ben and Burj Khalifa can transform ordinary spaces into globally recognised landmarks. UNICCM offers courses that teach how to incorporate cultural significance into architectural design and promotion. log/instagram-worthy-vibes-on-some-of-th e-worlds-important-buildings

#49Dzień 25-9-2024godz.16:18:33Autor: Dee
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The purpose of these rics rules of conduct is to provide support to RICS professionals in making the many complex and balanced decisions faced when undertaking work. They are used to provide confidence to the clients and public that RICS members and firms act competently and ethically.
   Https:// /rics-cpd/

#50Dzień 1-10-2024godz.15:55:41Autor: KiKii
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Istructe is an Institution of Structural Engineers. UNICCM has a comprehensive guide regarding istructe membership, istructe event, istructe exam and a lot more that can make your engineering skills advanced.

#51Dzień 1-10-2024godz.15:56:42Autor: Mckenzie
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Istrcute membership means opening the door in elevating your career as a structural engineering. Some keys that can boost your career are personal development, access to valuable resources, networking opportunities and many more. log/advancing-your-career-with-istructe< /a>

#52Dzień 16-10-2024godz.18:14:53Autor: KInsley
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   I recently completed a free food hygiene course online uk, and it has been incredibly beneficial for my job. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in hospitality, you should consider enrolling in one. The College of Contract Management has fantastic options available to help you succeed. /food-hygiene-course-types-and-career-pa ths/

#53Dzień 17-10-2024godz.15:37:02Autor: Dorableyong
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The responsibilities of structural engineer are intently the same with builders, developers structural specialists, or any architects. They check and guarantee the security of the structure, if it can deal with shocks and tempests or if its heaps can deal with vibrations. The well-off UNICCM offers versatile learning courses expected to expand your bits of knowledge and strategies in this field. These courses give critical encounters that can help you with taking care of genuine planning hardships on your calling.
   Https:// log/how-to-become-a-structural-engineer- in-the-uk
   Https:// log/how-to-become-a-structural-engineer- in-the-uk

#54Dzień 23-10-2024godz.10:36:01Autor: Sussie
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Foundation Degrees can be helpful for individuals who cannot commit full time learning but still want to attain their education. It can be multitasked with colleges offering online lectures, such as the College of Contract Management: log/foundation-degrees-bridging-the-gap- to-a-bachelors-degree

#55Dzień 23-10-2024godz.22:00:45Autor: Kingdom
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
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#56Dzień 25-10-2024godz.13:59:15Autor:
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
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#57Dzień 31-10-2024godz.15:28:26Autor: Elowen
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Today, access to higher education is crucial in shaping skilled professionals ready to meet industry demands. The College of Contract Management stands out by providing top-notch online programs specifically tailored to construction and project management. Whether you’re just starting or already experienced, their offerings ensure you can gain qualifications recognised across the UK and internationally.
   Https:// /

#58Dzień 8-11-2024godz.10:06:19Autor: Dwyt
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The College of Contract Management is here to help you on your journey to istructe membership. Their specialized training provides the guidance and support needed to meet the rigorous standards. Achieving membership is a powerful way to validate your skills and set yourself apart in the structural engineering industry. Start today with the College’s expert support! log/advancing-your-career-with-istructe< /a>

#59Dzień 12-11-2024godz.14:02:50Autor: What is secondary resea
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Government statistics, organizations, and others with their data makes what is secondary research is. These data helps answer the research question to arrive in a comprehensive solution. Get an idea how this method works at the UNICCM website. log/all-you-need-to-know-about-secondary -research

#60Dzień 27-11-2024godz.10:03:38Autor: Jannalopez
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The College of Contract Management’s Level 7 qualification is a great alternative for individuals pursuing a masters in education. It focuses on leadership development, strategic planning, and educational management. The course structure accommodates the busy schedules of working educators through an online format. Participants gain hands-on experience and practical skills applicable to various educational roles. The program is designed to build confidence and competence in managing educational organizations. Expert faculty provide personalized guidance to help students achieve their career goals.
   Https:// /level-7-qualification/

#61Dzień 27-11-2024godz.12:14:54Autor: Sussie
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Learning the importance of software investments is a good investment since the world that relies on technology so much nowadays. Look for the benefits of joining CPD Talks - Unlock Profits: Mastering Software Investments at the College of Contract Management and know more. ourse/cpd-talks-unlock-profits-mastering -software-investments

#62Dzień 2-12-2024godz.14:55:16Autor: Jasper
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The computing and information systems Top-Up Degree at The College of Contract Management is the perfect way to enhance your career in IT. This program teaches advanced computing concepts such as data analysis, systems design, and software engineering. Graduates will be prepared to handle complex business computing problems and implement effective IT systems, making it an ideal choice for professionals looking to move into higher roles in the tech industry. e/ncc-bsc-hons-business-computing-and-in formation-systems-top-up-degree

#63Dzień 19-12-2024godz.12:35:28Autor: Jannalopez
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Choosing vocational courses is a smart move for individuals looking to gain specialized skills and enter the workforce quickly. The College of Contract Management explains that these programs focus on practical training, preparing students for specific roles in various industries. They are a great alternative to academic degrees, particularly for those who prefer hands-on learning. Vocational courses also tend to be shorter and more affordable, making them a cost-effective option for career development. Many of these programs lead to certifications that are highly valued by employers. Discover how vocational courses can accelerate your professional growth.
   Https:// /vocational-qualifications-are-they-wort h-it/

#64Dzień 23-12-2024godz.14:26:13Autor: Secondary research
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   An educational article on the UNICCM website contains all the information you require regarding the art of what is secondary research or the collection of information that already exists. Visit their website to read more about this approach.
   Https:// log/all-you-need-to-know-about-secondary -research

#65Dzień 8-1-2025godz.10:49:58Autor: Rics
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Your path to academic success is UNICCM, with its stimulating courses and insightful articles about rics, and learn the difference! Discover the difference with our thought-provoking articles and captivating classes!
   Https:// log/how-to-access-your-rics-login-a-comp rehensive-step-by-step-guide

#66Dzień 20-1-2025godz.04:33:46Autor: Alexis Smith
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   If you're looking for a way to fast-track your career in construction, the site management nvq at The College of Contract Management offers an ideal path. With no exams to worry about, you simply build a portfolio based on your work experience. This flexible, degree-equivalent qualification can significantly boost your professional standing. Many professionals have already seen their careers take off after completing this course.
   Https:// /courses-page/nvq-level-6-construction-s ite-management/

#67Dzień 27-1-2025godz.15:03:29Autor: Dwyt
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   The explanation of what is a seminar in this article was incredibly helpful. As someone studying at the College of Contract Management, I now realize the true value of seminars beyond just a lecture setting. They offer a space for collaborative learning and the chance to dive deeper into topics with direct feedback from experts and colleagues. log/what-is-seminar-definition-purpose-a nd-benefits-explained

#68Dzień 4-2-2025godz.10:45:17Autor: Jannalopez
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   A strong understanding of CAD software can significantly enhance job opportunities, and an autocad course is an excellent way to gain that expertise. This training program teaches individuals how to create precise technical drawings used in various industries. Whether working in architecture, civil engineering, or product design, CAD skills are highly beneficial. The ability to produce accurate and professional designs can make a candidate stand out in the job market. Many professionals take this course to improve efficiency in handling projects. With structured learning and hands-on practice, mastering AutoCAD becomes easier. /courses-page/cad-courses/

#69Dzień 5-2-2025godz.10:08:03Autor: Study goal
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   Ensuring your study goals are reasonable in order to meet them. In order to begin with your overall goal, it should break down and create a big picture. UNICCM is a unique platform for professional education because of its global reach. offering field-specific online courses and offering a practical solution for people who are career-focused.
   Https:// log/balancing-life-and-study-goal-with-s mart-framework

#70Dzień 5-2-2025godz.10:09:34Autor: Study goal
Status: Brak błędówAdrIP: Ukryty
   To reach your goal, make sure your study goal are reasonable. Starting with your overarching objective, it should deconstruct and create a broad picture. UNICCM is a unique professional education platform because of its global reach. providing career-focused people with a convenient option by offering online courses in various fields. log/balancing-life-and-study-goal-with-s mart-framework

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